New year….new beginnings…Enjoy Life!

Why is it that every year on December 31st everyone makes resolutions to be better…to eat better…to work out more… to be better lovers and friends… to be this or that??? ( the list can really go on)  Why cant we decide to live our lives the way it should be everyday… that is, free from inhibitions and free from believing in lack?  why cant we stop seeing money as the source of our good and realize that our good comes from within and that if you really want something that you need to go and get it?  A well respected preacher, Rev. Eloise Oliver, once said, “we dont need to pray to change God’s mind.. pray to change your mind and consciousness”  –well- it was something really close to that- and that is so true!! Change your mind and change your life and you will see only the beauty in love that God has to offer!

This year, I’m not making any resolutions. making one, but i already affirmed it a few months ago… I’m vowing to live every day of my life to the full potential that it really has..  Im not going to get sucked into corporate expolitation of what other people think I  should be.. how we should look.. how we should eat! hell, if you wanna eat a steak.. eat it! I know i will be.. and I will be running stone mountain afterwards, but thats a whole ‘nother post!!  So to all you in PearlWorld.. enjoy the new year and more importantly, enjoy your life!!!
Much Love,



  1. Gee said,

    February 5, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    Long time no hear, How have you been? Stop by, I miss you.
    Stay sweet


  2. awenlie said,

    August 4, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    woooooow, i love de posture, u r looking gorgeous.

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