Don’t forget to do something nice for someone else!

I’m encouraging all of my friends to do something positive for your community!!
Outreach to the youth, give items to the less fortunate, clean your backyard! LOL

There’s literally no end to what you can do for your community.
Please get invovled with organizations that add depth and richness to us as a  people.

I had the pleasure of visiting with the Ghanaian Womens Association of Georgia
yesterday. I felt blessed to be amongst Ghanaian Women whose mission is to help women and children thrive in business, cultural identity and motherhood . 
Not only do I feel proud to be Ghanaian, I feel proud to be a woman.
My new friends discussed their experiences of volunteering with other 501(c)’s
and packaging medical supplies that are sent to those less fortunate around the world.
They shared their advise and ideas for growth of the group.  We laughed, bonded, ate and felt a sisterhood.  

It’s amazing how powerful a small group can feel!  Try it!!

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