Time goes….

Have you ever opened your eyes and wondered where the time has gone to? I mean, its been more than 10 years since my last blog post!! I am not ashamed to say that so much has happened in between times, but I have never stopped my passion and love for food and cooking. I now have three hilarious and gorgeous sons (a set of twins included) don’t ask me how…. because I still thank God and the universe for blessing me with these beautiful gifts. I can’t say that I am not challenged with the task but it has been the best thing that I have ever done. I have moved to a different country and continent, gotten married… I have worked outside of the home, been a “stay at home mom”, started my own company, bought properties, traveled, laughed, cried, prayed…

I am not ashamed of my story but thorough it all…. food has been the constant in my life! I’ve hosted dinner parties to celebrate weddings, birthdays, just because days….. Ive not only been eating but creating delicious foods that have inspired me and given me an opportunity to unleash my creative side.

I often thought about blogging more, but excuses, excuses…. but today I here I am. I hope you missed me too. And if you’re new to my page, welcome. I hope we can become friends who can learn from one another, inspire one another and support one another!!!

I missed the silence between me and my keyboard about the delicious foods that I have created so I wanted to shae the meal I cooked tonight. Its my take on Chinese eggplant and Shrimp stir fry.

Its simple, easy and super fast, especially for those of you like me who work, mother, and wife on a daily basis. Try it out, let me know what you think.

much love,


Shrimp and Vegetable Stir Fry
serves 6

Ingredient List:
1.5 lb large shrimp or prawns
1 green bell pepper1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
4 Chinese eggplants (cut in quarters)
6 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 onion6 dried chilli pepper (seeds only)
2 scotch bonnet peppers finely chopped
2 tbs hoisin sauce
2 tbs oyster sauce
1 tbs fish sauce
1 tbs sesame oil
2 oz water
3 tbs vegetable oil
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
dash salt

  1.  slice veggies and set aside
  2. peel shrimp and set aside
  3. Mix hoisin, oyster, fish sauce, sesame oil, chilli flakes, paprika and water in a small bowl, set aside.
  4. in large sauté pan or wok, gently fry Chinese eggplant on both sides for 1-2 minutes.  remove from heat and put aside to drain on paper towel
  5. in same pan, add peeled shrimp and cook until half way done, about 2-3 minutes over high heat.  remove from heat and set aside.
  6. sauté sliced onions until they start to sweat
  7. add sliced peppers and sauté for 1-2 minutes
  8. add garlic and pepper and sauté for 1-2 minutes
  9. Add eggplant and sauté for 2 minutes
  10. add shrimp and sauce mixture and cook over high heat for 4 minutes, stirring frequently to coat all the veggies and shrimp with the flavourful sauce. 
  11. Add a dash of salt.
  12. cook over high heat for 1-2 minutes or until shrimp is fully cooked.
  13. remove from heat, serve and eat with rice noodles or plain rice.

*** this is a very spicy recipe. please feel free to omit as much pepper as you like!!

Shrimp and Eggplant Stir Fry

Dinner Fun

Hi Pearlworld!

I’ve been cooking a lot and eating a lot of spicy foods lately!   I’ve been getting my “pepper”up!

If you see something you like, let me know and I’ll get the recipe up!

Chicken stuffed Mushrooms

Oxtails, gravy, rice & vegetables,

Rosemary Garlic Roasted Chicken

Grilled Chicken

Steamed rice & Shrimp Vegetable sauce



A “HOT” Minute

Hey PearlWorld! Its been a minute and I hope you missed me just as much as I missed you.  It been a long time but I haven’t stopped cooking. A lot sure has happened since we’ve last connected and it has been a HOT minute! in every sense of the word! LOL~

Can you believe it…I have a new HOT addiction. Jalepeno peppers. Yes, Jalepeno peppers.   I know, i know, everybody eats ’em, especially if you know some Latin peeps, but I was raised on Habanero peppers…so i used to think Jalepeno’s didnt have anything on my haba’s… but come see me, I’ve been roasting them, frying them, grilling them, eating them raw or with Lime and salt.  I really cant get enough right now.  The peppers touch my tongue and immediately intoxicate me with bursts of spice and flavor. Just Long enough to make me squirm but the punch fades away fast enough to make me go in for another bite!! Yeah. its HOT in every sense of the word.   So…  I’m be back with some new HOT recipes and I’m reloaded with my secret weapon…..

Peace and xoxo PearlWorld,


President Obama in Ghana

Hey PearlWorld… its time for me to talk about two of my favorite things outside of food…. My beloved country, Ghana and my hero, President Barack Obama.  The visit has been described as auspicious by a cross section of Ghanaians like me who knows it marks the beginning of new opportunities, especially now that Ghana is on the verge of joining the league of oil-producing countries.  The two-day visit, Friday July 10 and Saturday 11, 2009, would afford the first Black President of the US, the opportunity to visit the slave castles in Cape Coast. There have also been report that First Lady Obama will be given honorary Queen Mother status; a status only afforded to Ghanaian Royalty.

The US has a long-standing history with Ghana, especially Cape Coast and the northern regions. The Central regional capital was the main route for taking black slaves from the northern regions to the Americas to work on sugarcane plantations.  Visitors from around the world often travel to Ghana to view these infamous slave castles that were the last stop for millions of African Slaves who made the unbelievable journey to South America, North America and the Caribbean.

Many African-Americans trace their roots to this part of Africa. Ghana, through government, will use the rare opportunity to discuss subjects of mutual interest during the visit;  Such as trade, economics, education and healthcare.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: “We should try to push ideas to get the international institutions to modify their conditions and processes in our favour so that we can trade, rather than always asking for aid”.    This is by no means the first time that Ghana is hosting a US President. In 1998, the 42nd President, Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is now Secretary of State to Obama, made a six-hour stop over in Ghana during a six-nation tour of Africa, the most extensive visit to Africa ever undertaken by a sitting U.S. president. During his whistle stop in Ghana, Clinton was greeted by a large crowd of enthusiastic Ghanaians.

There are hundreds of Ghanaians holding US citizenship, a development which adds to the excitement of the visit. The militaries of the two countries hold periodic exercises in various aspects of warfare, especially jungle warfare, at Ghana’s Jungle Warfare School at Achiase in the Eastern Region and collaborate in the construction of school blocks as well as the AGOA (Africa Growth and Opportunity Act).

Please join me in welcoming President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to Ghana.

Peace. Blessings,


Enjoy the Official Song for Pres. Obama made by Ghana’s Own Museke!

Thank you to my friends at Peace FM in Ghana for their assistance in writing this article.

Celebrating the Life of The Greatest of All Time, Michael Jackson.

I am sending my deepest condolences t0 the Jackson Family for the loss of their undeniably amazing son, brother and father, Michael Jackson.  Michael transcended barriers in music in dance to set the bar for what is now modern Pop Culture.  I am very sad but proud to have been inspired by the music and dance of him. I love you, MJ. May your loving spirit, charm and charisma continue inspire the masses of people who admire, love and follow you.   You will always remain in our hearts, souls and minds.  Rest In Peace.



Don’t forget to do something nice for someone else!

I’m encouraging all of my friends to do something positive for your community!!
Outreach to the youth, give items to the less fortunate, clean your backyard! LOL

There’s literally no end to what you can do for your community.
Please get invovled with organizations that add depth and richness to us as a  people.

I had the pleasure of visiting with the Ghanaian Womens Association of Georgia
yesterday. I felt blessed to be amongst Ghanaian Women whose mission is to help women and children thrive in business, cultural identity and motherhood . 
Not only do I feel proud to be Ghanaian, I feel proud to be a woman.
My new friends discussed their experiences of volunteering with other 501(c)’s
and packaging medical supplies that are sent to those less fortunate around the world.
They shared their advise and ideas for growth of the group.  We laughed, bonded, ate and felt a sisterhood.  

It’s amazing how powerful a small group can feel!  Try it!!

My Flavor: Grilled Salmon & Grilled Mediterranean Fettucini

Hey Pearl World… I know I’ve been incognito for a minute but trust me I’ve been throwing down!  (sometimes I’m too tired after a good meal to take pictures of my Designer Plate) and I know that’s really no excuse, so tonight, I couldn’t leave ya’all hanging.  Please forgive me! I hope you’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you.

Grilled Salmon & Mediterranean Fettucini

Grilled Salmon & Mediterranean Fettucini

Tonight’s dinner was fun and flavor filled.  I made an exotic Mediterranean flavored Grilled Salmon & Pasta that was almost as fun cooking as it was to eat it!  Fresh Vegetables and Salmon make up this simple dish… try it, your family and friends will think that you bought it at your local Bistro.   And the best part is that you can easily get this on the table in less than 30 minutes!

Don’t forget to check out my other delicious recipes!

Peace. Blessings,


Welcome to the world, Baby Kante

I’m celebrating the birth of  my newest nephew, Bosco Anthony Che’ Kante, who was born on Tuesday, March 24, 2009.  He is healthy, strong and loved!  A beautiful child.  His mother is a trooper!  (Here’s a toast to all the SuperMoms in the Universe)   He’s precious and I love him so much.  I thank all of you who have sent positive vibes and prayers to our family. It is much appreciated.



Go Ghana! Taste Independence

I am feeling overjoyed with pride tonight as I reflect on Ghana’s independence celebration today.  It means a lot to me to be a part of the great country that created great leaders such s the honorable Dr. Kwame Nkrumah,  the active J. J. Rawlings, and President,  Dr. Mills.  Not only do I think about the sacrifices and progress that my people have made, I remember all of the beautiful recipes and tasty Ghanaian dishes that my mother cooked when I was growing up. Im totally addicted to it!  I can literally taste the fresh grilled ginger tilapia and banku, or a rich and spicy tomato stew with white rice or a traditional favorite, Fufu and Pepper soup!  So in honor of my ancestors, I made my versions of Fufu and Light Soup and also prepared  a rich spinach stew!  My family loved them both and I think they are fun, tasty and original Ghanaian dishes.  check out the recipe, let me know how you like it!! You might get addicted too!

Peeace. Blessings,



New year….new beginnings…Enjoy Life!

Why is it that every year on December 31st everyone makes resolutions to be better…to eat better…to work out more… to be better lovers and friends… to be this or that??? ( the list can really go on)  Why cant we decide to live our lives the way it should be everyday… that is, free from inhibitions and free from believing in lack?  why cant we stop seeing money as the source of our good and realize that our good comes from within and that if you really want something that you need to go and get it?  A well respected preacher, Rev. Eloise Oliver, once said, “we dont need to pray to change God’s mind.. pray to change your mind and consciousness”  –well- it was something really close to that- and that is so true!! Change your mind and change your life and you will see only the beauty in love that God has to offer!

This year, I’m not making any resolutions.  ok..im making one, but i already affirmed it a few months ago… I’m vowing to live every day of my life to the full potential that it really has..  Im not going to get sucked into corporate expolitation of what other people think I  should be.. how we should look.. how we should eat! hell, if you wanna eat a steak.. eat it! I know i will be.. and I will be running stone mountain afterwards, but thats a whole ‘nother post!!  So to all you in PearlWorld.. enjoy the new year and more importantly, enjoy your life!!!
Much Love,


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