President Obama in Ghana

Hey PearlWorld… its time for me to talk about two of my favorite things outside of food…. My beloved country, Ghana and my hero, President Barack Obama.  The visit has been described as auspicious by a cross section of Ghanaians like me who knows it marks the beginning of new opportunities, especially now that Ghana is on the verge of joining the league of oil-producing countries.  The two-day visit, Friday July 10 and Saturday 11, 2009, would afford the first Black President of the US, the opportunity to visit the slave castles in Cape Coast. There have also been report that First Lady Obama will be given honorary Queen Mother status; a status only afforded to Ghanaian Royalty.

The US has a long-standing history with Ghana, especially Cape Coast and the northern regions. The Central regional capital was the main route for taking black slaves from the northern regions to the Americas to work on sugarcane plantations.  Visitors from around the world often travel to Ghana to view these infamous slave castles that were the last stop for millions of African Slaves who made the unbelievable journey to South America, North America and the Caribbean.

Many African-Americans trace their roots to this part of Africa. Ghana, through government, will use the rare opportunity to discuss subjects of mutual interest during the visit;  Such as trade, economics, education and healthcare.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: “We should try to push ideas to get the international institutions to modify their conditions and processes in our favour so that we can trade, rather than always asking for aid”.    This is by no means the first time that Ghana is hosting a US President. In 1998, the 42nd President, Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is now Secretary of State to Obama, made a six-hour stop over in Ghana during a six-nation tour of Africa, the most extensive visit to Africa ever undertaken by a sitting U.S. president. During his whistle stop in Ghana, Clinton was greeted by a large crowd of enthusiastic Ghanaians.

There are hundreds of Ghanaians holding US citizenship, a development which adds to the excitement of the visit. The militaries of the two countries hold periodic exercises in various aspects of warfare, especially jungle warfare, at Ghana’s Jungle Warfare School at Achiase in the Eastern Region and collaborate in the construction of school blocks as well as the AGOA (Africa Growth and Opportunity Act).

Please join me in welcoming President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to Ghana.

Peace. Blessings,


Enjoy the Official Song for Pres. Obama made by Ghana’s Own Museke!

Thank you to my friends at Peace FM in Ghana for their assistance in writing this article.

McCain-Palin supporter says no treats for Obama kids on Halloween

Hey PearlWord!!!  I was amazed as I came across this blog post this morning while casually browsing the ‘net.  on one level, I am totally shocked that a person could be so ignorant and biased but am not surprised that racism still exists in this great country of ours!  To all those lil’ tykes who were turned down candy by ignorant people like Shirley Nagel, know that you are loved and hope that you encourage your parents to vote for real change that we can believe in so this madness will one day come to an end!!

AfricanBeauty for Obama/Biden 08!!!

Obama/ Biden '08

Obama/ Biden

A suburban Detroit woman has decided to scare up the vote among neighborhood children by just offering treats to John McCain supporters.

Shirley Nagel of Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., handed out candy Friday only to those who shared her support for the Republican presidential candidate and his running mate Sarah Palin. Others were turned away empty-handed.

TV station WJBK, Fox 2 News says a sign outside Nagel’s house warned: “No handouts for Obama supporters, liars, tricksters or kids of supporters.”

Nagel calls Democrat Barack Obama “scary.” When asked about children who were turned away empty-handed and crying, she said: “Oh well. Everybody has a choice.”

There were kids as young as 4 years old that went away crying because she wouldn’t give them any candy.  This is so sad that anyone would do this to a child.