My Flavor: Grilled Salmon & Grilled Mediterranean Fettucini

Hey Pearl World… I know I’ve been incognito for a minute but trust me I’ve been throwing down!  (sometimes I’m too tired after a good meal to take pictures of my Designer Plate) and I know that’s really no excuse, so tonight, I couldn’t leave ya’all hanging.  Please forgive me! I hope you’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you.

Grilled Salmon & Mediterranean Fettucini

Grilled Salmon & Mediterranean Fettucini

Tonight’s dinner was fun and flavor filled.  I made an exotic Mediterranean flavored Grilled Salmon & Pasta that was almost as fun cooking as it was to eat it!  Fresh Vegetables and Salmon make up this simple dish… try it, your family and friends will think that you bought it at your local Bistro.   And the best part is that you can easily get this on the table in less than 30 minutes!

Don’t forget to check out my other delicious recipes!

Peace. Blessings,
